
A deslumbrante paisagem, aliada ao bom gosto e decoração da casa, os livros que nos fizeram relembrar melancolicamente o passado, tudo nos arrebatou os sentidos e nos deixou com o propósito de voltar… Carla, o serviço e as refeições com que nos presenteaste são inesquecíveis, muito agradecidos.

Célia, Kowie, Joaquim e Lisete
October 2020

Ó tempo volta para trás…
Voltar à escola… primária… foi maravilhoso.
Lugar das Letras…
Lugar das recordações, do tempo das primeiras letras.
Lugar mágico, das amizades, da descoberta.
Lugar que fez história.
Foram sem dúvida dias de descobertas, de descanso. Os mais novos descobriram como era a escola do tempo dos pais, dos avós, os jogos desse tempo, os mais velhos recordaram esses tempos.
Obrigado por tudo, pela amabilidade da D. Carla, pelas maravilhosas condições que a “escola” tem. Vai ficar nas nossas recordações este excêntrico lugar. O Lugar das Letras, o lugar das memórias.

Famílias Ferreira Piloto e Costa Barbosa
September 2020

Levo comigo uma mão cheia de boas memórias! Que lugar incrível, grata por poder partilhar com a minha família momentos inesquecíveis, risos rasgados, gargalhadas soltas, brindes repetidos à hora de jantar e uma salva de palmas à Carla e à D. Sissi que tão carinhosamente nos receberam e fizeram desta a nossa casa! A vida é feita de momentos e não duvido que todos levamos e criámos memórias que nos vão acompanhar até ao fim dos nossos dias!
Num ano tão atípico e tão exigente, carregámos as baterias para enfrentar os desafios que, dia a dia, se apresentam e exigem de nós muita resiliência e capacidade de transformar o menos bom em desafios superados. Um bem haja a todos os que contribuíram para estes dias ficarem vivos e eternizados!

Famílias Barros, Barreto, Galvinas e Correia
August 2020

Boa semana que passámos aqui, pena pelo tempo, que nos traiu. Aparte isso, convivemos em família, que foi o mais importante. Local magnífico para passar uns dias e condições de estadia ótimas. Um agradecimento muto especial à D. Carla, pelo carinho e simpatia com que nos tratou. Recomendamos.

Família Isento
August 2020

An amazing house, in a stunning location. We could not have asked for a better place to relax. Carla was such a help with everything. Thank you!

August 2020

Depois dos planos de férias internacionais desfeitos, o Lugar das Letras mostrou-se um refúgio perfeito. Não podíamos estar ais satisfeitos com a casa e todas as suas comodidades, com o pequeno-almoço sempre farto e delicioso e a simpatia da Carla. Esperamos um dia regressar a esta Escola. Votos de muito sucesso! Obrigada.

July 2020

Région magnifique, maison où l’on se sent vite chez soi. Un grand merci à Carla pour son accueil et sa disponibilité. Quant aux petits déjeuner… Une merveille chaque matin.

July 2020

Merci à Carla et toute son équipe pour avoir près si bien soin de nous. La maison et superbe et le paysage un veritable tableau dont on ne se lasse pas.

July 2020

Être dorloté devant de si beaux paysages… Une seule envie… Revenir.

July 2020

Belle région, belle demeure, très bon accueil et de bons vins… Tout y est.

July 2020

Quel beau Pays! 15 jours merveilleux dans cette jolie demeure. Merci pour tout.

July 2020

Um verdadeiro regresso ao passado, mas com muito bom gosto! Adorámos a estadia neste pequeno tesouro – o Lugar das Letras. Obrigado pela hospitalidade e um agradecimento especial à Carla, por nos fazer sentir em casa. Até ao nosso regresso!

Grupo “Fim de Semana”
António, Cristina, António, Mónica, Alberto, Joana, John e Eva
July 2020

Adorámos tudo! A casa, a vista, a hospitalidade, o serviço e, acima de tudo, a originalidade. Estão de parabéns! E nós, esperamos voltar muito em breve!

June 2020

Agradecemos toda a hospitalidade e simpatia que nos permitiu um alegre convívio familiar. Obrigada pelo excelente bolo de aniversário.

June 2020

Adorámos todas as horas passadas nesta “escola”, que nos trouxe Paz, Calma, Harmonia, Alegria! A repeitr sempre que possível! Muito obrigada, Carla, esperamos aparacer em breve!

June 2020

Como foi bom regressar à Escola! Foi tudo muito acolhedor. Obrigada pela hospitalidade. Até breve,

June 2020

Foi muito fixe estar aqui, principalmente na sala de jogos. O pequeno almoço foi muito bom. Obrigada!

June 2020

Este ano não tem sido nada fácil, vivemos uma situação nova, com exigências pessoais e de afastamento social…
MAS!! É hora de decidir viver. Junto dos que mais amamos! Temos (não há outra opção) de nos reaproximar dos que mais queremos.
E nada como fazê-lo AQUI! Lugar das Letras, onde o passado é presente e onde nos sentimos em casa. E onde fazemos casa. Onde nos sentamos em família, onde somos mais que amigos e passamos a ser irmãos.
Um muito obrigado à Carla! Nada faltou, sempre alegre, bem disposta e disponível (e sim, o mundo é um lugar pequenino!)

June 2020

Fomos logo acolhidos com prontidão e proativismo! A Carla não deixou faltar nada e sempre muito discreta deixou-nos “sentir em casa” muito rápido! A casa particularmente é um encanto em cada canto. O passado traz ainda mais riqueza à decoração super bem pensada. O conforto não passa despercebido no final do dia nos quartos! Já estamos ansiosos por poder voltar! Obrigada de coração.

Priscila e Alex
May 2020

Muito obrigado por tudo. Foi estar em família, a Carla não deixou faltar nada e tratou de todos nós. A casa tem todo o conforto que se precisa e mais com crianças! Um obrigado imenso e esperamos estar de volta rápido.

Ana e Maxi Pereira
May 2020

Gostei muito desta casa, foi um prazer vir aqui! A comida é mesmo muito boa e a Carla muito atenciosa… fizemos novos amigos! A casa é muito boa e confortável. E as camas muito boas!

Belén, Thiago e Tomas
May 2020

What a wonderful, peaceful and beautiful spot to spend time with your family! Being able to enjoy such a magical spot with loved ones is a fine blessing. Thank you Carla for your bright spirit and efficient service… We will be back!

November 2019

Dear Carla, thank you for having us at your very lovely home the past two nights. Douro Valley is an enchanting place and we have truly enjoyed ourselves exploring the neighbourhood. We hope to be back again as a group. Happy year end and have a Merry Christmas!

Margaret & The Malaysians
November 2019

We’ve had a lovely stay here. The Douro Valley is amazing. We highly recommend Carla’s cooking. We asked for dinner to be prepared in our first night here and it was lovely. The kids have begged me to message Carla for more chocolate cake!! The villa is fairly remote but the villa and the views are absolutely worth the drive up the hill from Pinhão. The villa is so well stocked. and the games room is an added bonus particularly in the evening or on a wet day. Without a doubt Carla absolutely makes your stay here so pleasurable. Breakfasts are lovely and she is so helpful. Sorry for all the WhatsApp messages!! Thank you for everything.

Jeremy, Louise, Oliver & Charlotte
November 2019

Carla your breakfasts were beautiful and the house is amazing. We have loved our stay in the beautiful Douro Valley.

Robyn & Mal
September 2019

Thanks Carla, the villa is beautiful, the views are amazing. The perfect place to relax and unwind after walking the Camino

Greg & Kerrie
September 2019

We’ve had an absolutely delightful two weeks at this perfect villa! Gorgeous views, tranquility all around and lovely tiny villages dotted aroung the hilltops. What more could any holiday person wish for? Thanks a million to Carla for her friendly and bubbly personality – an added bonus for us! Enjoyment to all those who follow us.

September 2019

We have found a hidden gem! Beautiful villa in a stunning location, we could not have asked for more for our family holiday. The Douro Valley is a beautiful part of the world. We will be back!

Hempel Family
August 2019

2nd visit and 2nd fantastic holiday at the villa. Thank you Carla for a wonderful holiday for all 16 of us! All the best!

Ramon & Neetu
August 2019

Wow! Casa “Lugar das Letras” is paradise on earth! Carla is such a special angel who looked after all of our needs. She is one of the hardest working people we have ever met. Thank you for celebrating our 11th wedding anniversay with us. We will not ever forget the proud people of Douro, your wines, your hospitality and this villa. À la prochaine!

Annelyse & Guillaume
August 2019

We had the best stay in the School House! Everything was perfect, the view, the villa, the food, the wine, but most of all Carla was amazing! We would definetely come back. Thank you for wvweythin, this was awesome! Merci! Thank you! Obrigada!

Melanie & Marc
August 2019

We’ve fallen in love with Lugar das Letras and this area of the Douro Valley. Carla is simply amazing. All her recommendations were superb and we really appreciated her organising our fantastic day out to Quintas, Museums, a bakery and a boat trip. Rui our guide was friendly, attentive and good-humored. We’ve enjoyed a couple of meals at Veladouro in Pinhão and highly recommend it – food is incredible and staff so friendly. In fact everyone we have met has welcomed us warmly and shown us such kindness. We don’t want to leave!

July 2019

What a wonderful 10 days we have had in this beautiful villa, in a setting to die for. Carla has been wonderful, form greeting us on arrival with a delicious birthday cake, to suggestions for various Quintas – all a great success. Thank you Carla for making our stay such a special one.

John & Carol
July 2019

This place was more perfect than I could have imagined for a relaxing family reunion, including the most incredible views I have ever enjoyed on daily walks (or lust looking out the windows!). We loved the river. Thank you Carla for all the amazing recommendations and help!

Thank you Carla for helping make our stay so pleasant in this beautiful Douro country with stunning views and great wines!

July 2019

Thank you so much for letting us stay in this amazing, wonderful house. I hope to come back and enjoy the view for another time!

July 2019

What a wonderful house full of light, fun surprises for the kids – and the view is spectacular. We will be sure to return. We appreciated Carla’s help and breakfast. She is a gem and so very helpful. We will return for sure.

July 2019

Maravilhoso tempo aqui passado em família! A casa fabulosa permitiu que vivessemos todos juntos estes dias de frio e calor: piscina aquecida e sala querntinha foram importantes neste tempo incerto! Ninguém queria ir embora, pelo que, para o ano, se tivermos vida e saúde, fica o compromisso de aqui estarmosde novo a passar a Pásca – tempo de paz. O acolhimento da Carla, sempre caloroso e atencioso é também uma mais-valia…

MCA & Family
April 2019

Fim de semana com amigos passado num local fantástico. Fomos muito bem recebidos pela Carla, que nos acolheu calorosamente. Um local que recomendamos…

October 2018

The most magical place to relax and enjoy the special hospitality of Portugal. We equally loved staying put – enjoying a day lounging at the pool or day excursions. The house and hostess was perfect! Thank you Carla for your attentiveness, advice and yummy food.

Scott & friends
September 2018

Beautiful villa, interesting location. Thanks for having us. Best wishes.

The Robb’s
September 2018

Our first impressions of the home… how much effort was taken to maintain the “feel” of the original schoolhouse. Then there is Carla… she did everything to make us feel at home and offered so many wonderful suggestions. Thank you so much. Carla went above and beyond… the wonderful “welcome cake” and Port, the fantastic breakfasts. And in the “House of Learning” she taught us some Portuguese” This a peaceful, wonderful setting with excellent views. Many thanks to the locals who helped us make a U-turn with our big van when we first arrived.

The Canadians
September 2018

Fantástico fim de semana em família. Obrigada por tudo e Parabéns pela casa maravilhosa…

Family Barbosa & Lourosa
September 2018

Passamos momentos especiais nessa casa. Somos 11 primos e nos amamos muito. Essa casa e esse país nos deram momentos eternos de boas gargalhadas! Obrigada.

Family Almeida
September 2018

A magical stay in this beautifully situated and decorated home – full of witty touches and attention to detail. Massive thanks to Carla for enhancing the experience and elevating the stay beyond that of a villa break – more like home from home! We will definitely be back!

Kim & Richard, Alan & Elaine
September 2018

Lugar das Letras is really special: superb facilities, calmness and situation in a beautiful setting. Carla’s kindness and care is the icing on the cake of a fabulous holiday – she is a treasure. Beautiful villa.

August 2018

Passámos uns dias maravilhosos nesta linda casa do Douro. Um grande abraço à nossa Fada Carla que cuidou muito bem de nós e tornou a nossa estadia ainda mais bela – muito obrigada por todas as atenções.
À tous ceux qui passeront quelques jours ici, l’accueil, la vue et la maison sont justes parfaits. Profitez! Have fun!

Nathalie, Eric, Luka, Thomas, Izac
August 2018

We have spent two amazing weeks in this beautifully decorated house. An enourmous thanks to Carla for her kindness and for all the help she gave us. Thank you so much.
Best regards,

Tiphaine, Laure, Raphaelle, Marie-Antoine, Nicolas, Marie-An, Marc & Christine
August 2018

Perfect place to relax, have fun and eat to our heart’s content. Thank you so much and much love to Carla.

Perfect location, amazing home, excellent host. We’ve had an amazing holiday. Thank you!

Thank you for letting us stay in your villa and for cooking breakfast for us.

Thank you for the help. Lovely place with an amazing view.

Stunning place, Carla is ace. We are coming back.

Thank you for a wonderful time!

Patel family & friends
August 2018

Happy times with happy people in a beautiful setting. Need to go home and lose a few lbs! Thanks for everything.

Had such a lovely holiday don’t want to leave! Be back soon Portugal.

Not far from Sabrosa, lovely view and games room was brilliant.

Spending sunny days with family, friends, gin, wine, good food, games, fun times! Here’s to the next time.

Holiday was amazing, roads were thin…

Nice pool and sun beds.

Great villa, great location, great friends 🙂

Really good stay, nice view and lovely food 🙂

Our bienial holiday to Portugal. The highlights: Provesende, Pizzaria Malagueta in Sabrosa, hill climbs with a desobedient SatNav, learning Portuguese through Monopoly, days by the pool, fluffy white buns and Pastel de Nata on top.
Thank you, Williams, see you in 2020.

Michelle & friends
July 2018

It was a wonderful stay. A beautiful view, a perfect house, a refreshing swimming pool, a lovely Carla, a delicious breakfast, a cool air, a very nice pool-house… We enjoyed our stay here very much! Love from Belgium,

Anneleen, Christl, Vic, Klara, Bruno, Jitte, Peter, Noel, Canny
July 2018

Thank you Carla for making our stay so fabulous and enjoyable. The hike at Bomfim was wonderful as was a late lunch at the bar at Vintage House Hotel in Pinhão. Your recommendations were perfect & breakfast was delicious!

The Hall & Shackelford Families
July 2018

Uma estadia perfeita, como tínhamos imaginado. A Carla foi incansável e a anfitriã ideal para nos proporcionar uma semana de férias sem igual. Para repetir, sem dúvida. Foi um prazer.

Eduarda & Family
June 2018

The Beautiful Douro – a fantastic first experience for us all! Lovely “Lugar das Letras” in its amazing setting. Delightful people, places and adventures. On a boat, in a bar (watching Portugal beat Morocco) and in a “stormy” taxi to the hidden gem of a restaurant “Papas Zaide” in Provesende. Quinta do Bomfim with João’s great tour/tasting. Above all, the wonderful Carla – our tour guide, housekeeper and “manager” who bought bread, booked events and even “rescued” us from the power cut in the storms!! A huge thank you for everything you did for us! We will be back!

Wendy, Leigh, Alice, Emily, Dave & Charlie
June 2018

Thank you for an amazing holiday, the villa is superb and Carla was fantastic at helping us with our very little Portuguese. The views are simply amazing and it’s a holiday we will definitely never forget! Thanks again. All our love,

Rebecca, Ross, Amy, Dave, Chris, Emily & Pippa
June 2018

We can all now say we have stayed in the most beautiful place in Portugal! The views, the hospitality and the wine were absolutely spectacular. Carla thank you for the delicious breakfast and cake and for making us feel right at home. This is definitely a place we will never forget! Thank you!

Carson, Steven, Maddie, Steve W., Bill, Courtney, Audra & Murph
AKA – The Chicago Crew
June 2018

Whilst only staying for four days they have been memorable and relaxing, a lot to do with the kindhearted Carla. Having enjoyed many areas in Northern Portugal, the Goodwin Family finally got to Alto Douro and what a tremendous find. The house is in a beautiful setting. Our children enjoyed the school vibe and actually came prepared to “play” schools, they weren’t disappointed.
We explored Carla’s menu and can reccommend the pork ribs. We will be back.

Goodwin Family
June 2018

A beautiful house in a beautiful setting. Thank you Carla for being so attentive and warm. You made our stay a trip to remember!

Barbara & the Kisner Clan
May 2018

Lugar das Letras is stunning. Even better than the pictures suggest. About 10-15 minutes by car from Pinhao in a sleepy village uphill with the best view ever. The villa is clean and very comfortable with all amenities you could wish for. Carla is a great source for insider tips (ask for the butcher) and she prepares sumptuous breakfasts. Don’t think twice and visit this hidden gem.

May 2018

Magnífica experiência, pela paisagem, pela simpatia, pelo conforto! Tocou-nos esta vivência. Guardarei sempre o que aqui vivi. Obrigada, Carla!

Merci pour tout! C’etait parfait!!!

Thank you, Carla for making our daughter’s baptism an unforgettable moment. Your kindness, energy and awesomeness are remarkable! Obrigada!

Thanks, for everything!!! Perfect from A to Z!

Jacques & Margarida
May 2018

Parabéns por este lugar único e especial. Adorámos e vamos voltar com certeza. Obrigada à Carla por toda a atenção e carinho.
Até breve! Beijinhos,

João Luís
April 2018

So much fun. Thank you for everything; the wonderful breakfasts and hospitality.

December 2017

What a great time I had and you are the best and most gracious host ever. Thanks again for taking me to doctor. I feel well now and ready for next adventure. Have a wonderful New Year and wish your son and husband my thanks also. Hugs,

December 2017

It was incredible. Breakfast was included in our stay and Carla, who manages the home was incredible. She acted as our concierge while in the Duoro valley and it was extremely helpful. If you don’t have a plan and you just show up, Carla will have you covered. Please note, follow their directions and not Google Maps coming from Madrid or Porto. Otherwise you are in for some harrowing mountain roads.

November 2017

This place is a true gem, we are so glad we found it! We had a great time staying here. First with eight adults and three small children for which the house is perfect. The last few days of our stay were with a smaller group. The house was still very cozy and child-friendly. Carla took great care of us. We wish we could take her home with us! Thank you for everything. Love,

Roger, Margriet, Anne-Sophie, Max, Stuart, Anne-Lieke
Flynn, Joop, Cyrille, Maarten & Maartje

October 2017

What an extraordinary house and view! Our stay was so wonderful because of Carla. She went beyond our expectations in taking care of us. What a wonderful, caring and kind lady – beyond words! Thank you so much!

Darcy and Sherry
September 2017

What a beautiful house to visit. The view and location is beyond words!! So our wonderful Carla… Thank you so much for everything you did to make our stay “BEAUTIFUL”! You were more than we ever expected!! Thank you so much!

Garry & Laurie
September 2017

Dear Carla, thank you so much for everythin! We had a fantastic 2 weeks holiday here and we enjoyed it very very much. The house, the breakfast, the view… everything was just perfect! Thanks again.

Thank you for taking care of us so well! And for the delicious cake for breakfast!

Thanks again for your wonderful services,great food and lovely smile!

And also thanks for the great advice on the boat trip, the Quintas, the restaurants, also thanks for the nice dinner!

Merckx Family
September 2017

What a spectacular place – the house, the views, the serenity and the hospitality! We have been touched by the warmth and  friendliness of the people of the Douro, in particular Carla and João.
Carla, obrigado for all the fantastic suggestions about the Douro Valley: Favaios, Avessada – seeing a traditional Quinta and picking some of the first grapes; Provesende, Papas Zaide. Quinta do Bomfim and Casal de Loivos or just relaxing by the pool. Also thank you for the delicious breakfasts, a great way to start the day. You have taken wonderful care of us and made our visit extra special.

Rosemary & Andrew
September 2017

We had a lovely week in this beautiful and spacious villa. I’m going to miss waking up to that view every morning! Lovely lazy days spent here, the kids loved the pool and games room. Thank you to Carla for taking such good care of us.

Andrew, Amanda, Luca & Esme
August 2017

Un grand merci à Carla pour sa disponibilité et sa bonne humeur tout au long de ce séjour. 7 jours magiques dans un endroit idyllique. Merci!

Sophie, Greg, Paul, Andréa
August 2017

Nous sonmmes ravis de notre séjour, tout était parfait: paysage, maison, jardin, Carla. Ce lieu est très agréable et nos enfants se sont régalés – merci. Nous n’hésiterons pas a récommander cette location.

Estelle, Ludo, Lourose et Basile
August 2017

Muito obrigado, Carla
Everything was perfect, the house, the weather, the pool and Carla!
Maybe à la prochaine fois!

Laetitia, Geoffrey, Leonard et Blanche
August 2017

Carla, thank you for taking such good care of us with dinner and breakfast. And also for the very good restaurant tip in Tabuaço! Best pork we have ever tasted! We loved the house and garden, the amazing views and the quietness. We would definetly recommend to anyone. We are just sorry to have to leave.

Thomas, Sabien, Elodie, Amélie
August 2017

Thank you for an amazing week in your beautiful house. The countryside is spectacular with its picturesque setting in the lovely and lush Douro Valley. We enjoyed all the recommendations we got from you, Carla. Especially the boat trip with João and Pasqual was a real treat. We look very much forward to returning to this little gem to once again drink the wonderful Port wine and taste the delicious dishes of the region. A very warm and heart full thank to you, Carla, who has made our stay even more unforgettable. We really appreciate all things you did for us. and the lovely breakfasts you prepared for us in the mornings. What a fantastic way to start every day with a reinvigorating meal together with the family. Best of wishes and hope to see both Lugar das Letras and you, Carla, again soon.

Helle, Andreas, Thili, Wilhelm, Nicholas
August 2017

Absolutamente fabuloso. Habitação fantástica, localização perfeita. Local extremamente calmo com todas as comodidades necessárias. A repetir, sem dúvida.

July 2017

Dearest Carla & João
We were so looking forward to see you for the second time in this unique place! And we are so sad that we had to leave so early due to sad family reasons. But we’d like to thank you for the time we had here. You made us feel at home and you took so good care of us during this stay (and last year too of course!). Thank you for all the love you gave us, the dinner you made us, the birthday cake at Papas Zaide, the Port, wine, oil. It was too much! We hope to see you again, maybe in Holland? We stay in touch and wish you all the luck in the world and a long and happy marriage. Take good care.

Guido, Dorthey, Tjalle & Jusie
July 2017

Nos 60 anos da Mizé
Lugar das Letras.
É com letras que se escrevem palavras.
É com palavras que se descrevem emoções.
(Mas também com os sentidos…)
Vivemos aqui sentimentos profundos que começaram pela beleza das casas (em particular desta). Pela simpatia e profissionalismo da Carla e da Marta. Pela qualidade de vida expressa aqui. Depois, pelo espírito de Família, de Proximidade, de Amor, de Partilha, de Harmonia que estas 17 pessoas da nossa família promoveram neste tempo aqui vivenciado.
O(s) ambiente(s)
O(s) espaço(s)
A(s) energia(s)
que se podem fruir neste espaço é fabuloso.
Todos nós que estivemos a frequentar esta escola saímos daqui melhor preparados para o exame… da Vida!!!
Muito obrigado. Somos felizes. Sejam também felizes.

Julho 2017

Senti-me de novo na escola, desta vez a minha carteira teve outro encanto. Tal como o meu boneco, fez-me inspirar para mais bonecos.
Obrigado pela simpatia e, até breve.

Julho 2017

We have had a wonderful week in this lovely villa. This region as been an eye opener for all of us: beautiful scenery, great food, wonderful hospitality… and of course the wines…Special thanks to Carla for looking after us so well.

Gary & Monica
June 2017

We never knew the Douro Valley was so beautiful, calm and relaxing. Such a peaceful week here, in such a fascinating villa, with everything we could wish for. Superb attention, great food and wonderful wines.

Stuart & Marisa
June 2017

Our stay here was wonderful. The house, the swimming pool, the area, everything was good. If we are in the area we most certainly will stay here again. Thanks Carla for your caring.

Family Beckers
June 2017

Lugar das Letras has been our Sanctuary in the Douro. Every morning over breakfast, Carla has helped us plan our expeditions on either side of the river. Don’t miss a meal at Papas Zaide, Provesende; Toca da Raposa, Ervedosa; Quinta do Nápoles (if you can arrange it).
We have found table wines and Port white and others, Moscatel in Favaios and been stunned by the beauty of the forest on this side of the hill.
Beautiful Quintas of Bomfim and Roeda in Pinhão are not to be missed. Always let the owners know you are staying here – you will see their eyes light up. Thank you,

Stephen & Lisa
Steve & Leanne
June 2017

“Thank you to both you and Carla for such a wonderful stay at Lugar das Letras. We were excited to have 3 young friends with us to start, and though the house seemed so big after they left, it turned out to be just right. We were 2 wine and food professional couples and enjoyed lunching out and bbq-ing in at night. Beautifully presented house with everything you could possibly want.”

June 2017

Many thanks for a fantastic stay. The School House is such a beautiful property, lovingly renovated and we feel very honored to be your guests. Carla is a very welcoming host and her food is fantastic – especially the chocolate cake!
We hope to be able to stay with you again in the future.

Ally, Ebonie & Sarah
May 2017

Foi um verdadeiro fim de semana de sonho no Lugar das Letras! Viemos de Braga para surpreender uma amiga especial na sua despedida de solteira e já vínhamos com elevadas expectativas, mas que foram totalmente superadas! Pela beleza do local, pela decoração da casa, pela atenção da D. Carla! Foi mesmo uma ótima estadia e mal esperamos pela próxima vinda!
O Lugar das Letras, aquele que nos traz de volta à infância!

Ana, Cláudia, Andreia, Rita, Flor, Márcia, Joana, Maria Joana
May 2017

You have a very beautiful home and we greatly appreciate you allowing us to stay here. Carla is very warm and helpful, too! We look forward to returning to Douro Valley someday with more friends and family!

Brad, Gabrielle & Julian
May 2017

We had an incredible time at Lugar das Letras – thank you to Carla for taking care of us and making us feel right at home. The house and the view are simply unbelievable – we couldn’t believe our good fortune to be able to spend our time here. We will be back!

Shubha, Romith & Elan
May 2017

This house was reccommended by our Friend. It’s a fantastic place that we love so much. Amazing location, luxury decoration, a book of great antiquity. What a great peaceful paradise! Thank you Carla for taking care of us these three days. The food you prepared was amazing, we will miss this a lot! And one day we will be back again.
Paraíso na terra, é a frase que irei usar para descrever o Lugar das Letras, quando passar a minha experiência a outras pessoas. Nesta escola voltei a ser criança, tal era a minha curiosidade de sentir todas as sensações que esta casa nos transmite, mas também porque aqui festejei o meu 35º aniversário.
Duas notas finais, uma para a Carla, excelente profissional que nos providenciou tudo e se tornou numa amiga. Por fim à Família Peres, o meu obrigado por proporcionarem esta maravilhosa experiência.

João Maria & Timi
April 2017

Carla make sure Juan keeps going to the gym! Thanks for everything!
Be careful when using the reccommended phone numbers! The fastest Pizza delivery in Portugal.

Leslie & Debra
February 2017

Thanks for making my 60th birthday celebration memorable – good friends and an excellent time we will never forget!! Hope to be back some day – wonderful hospitality – thank you!

Jo & Jon
February 2017

Thank you for a wonderful 5 days. Best hospitality. Carla you are the best. Thank you.

Jackie & Glenn
February 2017

This home deserves 6 stars. Our family of 5 stayed for 5 nights and fell in love with the area and home. Much of our wonderful experience was due to hostess extraordinaire, Carla. She made us a delicious breakfast every morning, helped us with reservations and provided us with great recommendations. The house itself is great; as described in the pictures. Spacious, modern, comfortable… everything you need for a relaxing vacation in the Douro. The kitchen is WELL equipped with anything you could need for cooking. The linens and beds are high quality and comfortable. The detached game room was perfect for our 2 boys to play. We highly recommend Francisco’s home and will be back soon.

Charlotte & Family
February 2017

Pela primeira vez em sete anos foi possível reunir a família toda para o Natal, num lugar que, pelas suas características, tornou a nossa reunião especial.

Rogério & Family
December 2016

Não encontramos palavras para descrever a estadia de 3 dias na “Escola”!
Memórias e sentimentos povoaram a nossa mente e o nosso coração…
Um grande Bem-haja pela recuperação, desde o edifício em si até ao mais pequeno pormenor.
Um abraço e até breve 🙂
Os amigos e amigas e familiares do Sérgio!
e um agradecimento à Dani pela escolha e pelo convite 🙂
December 2016

Uma escola maravilhosa.

Obrigado, Francisco.

Jose Carlos
December 2016

Una zona con un encanto especial a la cual volveremos con seguridad. Lugar das Letras ha sido durante 4 dias nuestra casa,nos hemos sentido muy pero que muy bien. Gracias Carla por tus atenciones y hospitalidad. Hablaremos mucho de esta zona y esta casa por muchos meses. Gracias por todo.
December 2016

Foi fantástico voltar à escola. Obrigada pela hospitalidade. Realmente um sítio muito bonito, para voltar seguramente.
Paula e Marcos
December 2016

Mas que lugar magnífico!… Belo fim de semana.
Regresso à escola! Mas que regresso!

Adorei. Obrigada, Gilberto, por esta excecional estadia no Douro. Foi excelente, fantástica e farei com que esta casa e lugar sejam conhecidos pelos meus amigos e familiares. Será sempre um lugar para mais tarde recordar.
Carlos & Maria Eduarda
November 2016

On dit que la région du Douro c’est 9 mois d’hiver, 3 mois d’Enfer, mas pour notre semaine tout était parfait: un temps doux, des paysages superbes, des vignobles magnifiques, des musées intéressants – il y avait à voir, à boire, à manger. Quelques vestiges de notre passage que nous vous recommandons chaleureusement. Que dire de notre maison d’hôtes? Un lieu magique, pour une fois le mot École rime avec évasion, plaisir, partage et VACANCES. Merci à Carla pour sa gentillesse, sa disponibilité, ses conseils précieux.

Domingos & Family
October 2016

What a wonderful home away from home! Even better than the photos on the website. Carla you are wonderful!
October 2016

Have discovered many hidden “gems” in the area all thanks to our lovely and friendly concierge – Carla. House itself beautiful and well maintained. A wonderful vacation.
October 2016
A beautiful house and a beautiful person to help make our stay so wonderful. Thank you, Carla!
October 2016

Fantástico, hospitaleiro, relaxante, divertido.
Simpático, familiar, recomendável…  A voltar!!!
Família Serrador Coelho Pereira
October 2016

Lugar soberbo para assinalar o 40º aniversário de qualquer pessoa. E quando se associa lugar fantástico a companhia certa, torna-se o melhor aniversário do Mundo.
Sim, verdade, os amigos são a família que escolhemos! Viva a Vida!
Sabe a casa!
Lugar inesquecível!
O Lugar das Letras tem mais encanto na hora da despedida.
Os Coimbrinhas
October 2016

Excelente fim de semana em família num lugar inesquecível! Havemos de voltar brevemente. Obrigada pela vossa atenção e hospitalidade.

Isabel, José Maria, Nuno,
Catarina, António, Francisca, Joana
September 2016

It is not often that we arrive at a holiday villa to find that it is even more beautiful than the photographs we have seen online. We have loved the beauty, the history and the comfort here, and we have especially appreciated the warmth and generosity and efficiency and wonderful cooking we’ve experienced from Carla. From making our breakfasts to booking restaurants, no one could have been more helpful. Warmest congratulations to everyone who has helped bring this place of learning back to site. We will be thrilled to recommend it to anyone lucky enough to be coming this way.

Cathy & Tony
September 2016

Ficamos todos encantados com o local, com a paisagem, e pela forma fantástica como uma antiga escola foi transformada numa casa muito confortável, decorada com muito bom gosto, e cheia de apontamentos históricos, que por várias vezes nos transportaram para outros tempos.
Era curioso constatar que ao circular pela casa éramos sempre surpreendidos por algo de novo.
September 2016

Such a beautiful villa, wonderfully decorated in the school theme. It was lovely to see the photos of the transformation and one of our taxi drivers told us he went to school here when he was a young boy! I asked my family what their highlights were and we agreed the villa with its brilliant views and excellent facilities such as the games room, as well as the local area, with its great Quintas and amazing restaurants (DOC particular highlight!) would be remembered forever. We’d like to thank Carla for her great hospitality, helping us to arrange days out as well as prepare breakfast each morning and cook us a fantastic meal one evening. We’re already planning our next trip!

Georgina, Pavel, baby Murray, Grannie Ann & Grandad Phil
September 2016

We have had a great stay here in this wonderful villa. The weather has been as glorious as the views and we have spent all of our time in the pool and plying pool! Thanks to Carla for the wonderful welcome and the excellent breakfasts and cakes. We are just sorry to be leaving already.

Peter and Family
August 2016

Enjoyed a very relaxing week at Lugar das Letras. We are tow families of four and we all had plenty of space to enjoy the pool, the games room, etc. The views are stunning and we love the attention to detail in the interior decorating, beautifully accessorized to the school theme.
We enjoyed many amazingly cheap and generously sized meals. Restaurant Típico, Solar 1 and Rufete – this last  having been booked for us by Carla along with an interesting tour of the winery at Quinta do Bomfim – highly recommended.
It was lovely to start the day with breakfast all beautifully prepared for us by Carla and we really appreciate all the effort she went to to accommodate the allergy suffers in our party, in particular the gluten-free cupcakes that she baked specially (alongside the delicious home made cakes that she baked for us!). We should also mention the lovely welcome dinner that she prepared for us (with a separate meal prepared for our gluten allergy suffer) which was sooo nice after a day’s traveling. Thank you for a lovely stay in a beautiful house! 🙂

Jacki & Family
August 2016

The rest of my family, both older and younger have said pretty much all that needs to be said but regardless of that ( ! ), just a couple of things to add.
Our most special thanks to Carla who has made our two weeks truly special. Carla we wish avery success. Having spent holiday sin many parts of Southern Europe, this holiday in the Douro has been of the best. I am so impressed with the warmth and friendliness of the people, the history of this beautiful part of the world, the tasty of the fuss-free food and the world class wines & ports.
Let’s hope we can come back and repeat our holiday in the future. Thank you.

Richard & Rachel
August 2016

We have spent two amazing weeks at Lugar das Letras and had wonderful weather everyday. The school house and all its history is a very special, relaxing place to stay with all you could ask for, including a games room well used by all ages.
The trips to the wineries, bakery, pizzeria and surrounding villages will be a lasting, fun and enjoyable memory to take back to the New Zealand winter.
Thank you Carla for the lovely cakes, special dinner and for being so friendly, kind and helpful. Having you arrange our trips to Quinta do Bomfim, eating delicious bread at the Bakery and the boat trip with Pasqual and João on Syrah has really made our holiday.
We highly recommend all activities and the boat trip stands out with amazing food from local chef João and an excellent commentary from Pasqual.
We came to Portugal for the first time, tone with our family and grandchildren from the UK and it will be forever remembered as a fantastic experience.
Thank you so much.

Heather and Rick
August 2015

Our stay at Lugar das Letras has been truly amazing. It is a holiday to remember, there has been great weather (much better than England!). Great cooking (from the one and only Carla) and comfy beds, great views, a lovely pool and an awesome games room!!! We have learned many things whilst we have been here, such as how to play pool and the history of the vineyards and the Douro.
We have had great recommendations of where to go to eat and on tours and boat trips all thanks to the lovely Carla! (and her husband João). Thank you so much, we truly had an exceptional tim. See you next year!!!

From Sophia (12) & James (10)
August 2016

We have had a fantastic stay! Huge thanks to Estrela and Carla for looking after us so well. We go home with lots of happy memories.

Chris, Charlotte
July 2016

This is a very special place which we loved! Everything you could wish for – quite perfect!
“Asante sana” to Carla and Estrela – well done girls! You worked so hard to make our holiday just the BEST!

Marion & Gordon
July 2016

Thank you for an absolutely wonderful time at Lugar das Letras. The Old School House is stunning with the most amazing views. It will be a very memorable place for us which we shared with our kind family.

The Hathans
July 2016

It has been said that is rare for me to be at a loss of words… I am speechless…
Thank you and congratulations!
From the hill top village of Gouvães do Douro, to the views of rolling hills, vineyards and nights a glow with twinkling lights from surrounding villages of the Douro river region. To a school house – full of history. To a Dreamer, Designer and Builders – wow!
Estrela and Carla, a personal thank you for your morning smiles, laughs, assistance and care – like family.
Lugar das Letras, you most certainly receive an A+ from our family. You dotted your “i’s” and crossed your “t’s”…
Thank you,

The Marques, Neumann, Matthews, Lorelli family
June 2016

Thank you for your attention towards me and my friends during our short stay here at the School House.
Many thanks,

June 2016

The home and views and wine are only surpassed by the hospitality, consideration and helpfulness of the host. The local phone and the willingness to assist with reservations were greatly appreciated. Thankfully,

Carlene & Doug
June 2016

Thank you so much or an incredibly beautiful and relaxing week in this supremely special house. Estrela, your hospitality, cooking and friendly helpfulness is so wonderful. We loved every moment of our stay in this house, in this Douro Valley we love so much. We hope to be back again!

Stephanie & Theo
June 2016

Mais um fim de semana MARAVILHOSO!!!
Sempre a repetir!

Elisa & João
May 2016

Sempre bom. Viva a tranquilidade do Douro e a companhia de amigos… Mais uma corrida, mais um percurso com uma nova companhia.
Que de futuro continuemos a desfrutar da corrida e da companhia.

Nuno Gonçalo
May 2016
Meia Maratona do Douro Vinhateiro, a mais bela corrida do  mundo!

!Sempre presentes!

Diogo e Rudolfo
May 2016
Meia Maratona do Douro Vinhateiro, a mais bela corrida do  mundo!

Nunca esconderei o meu sentir nortenho-transmontano e grande apreciador! Aqui neste local está-se num pedaço de paraíso. Poder regressar à Escola Primária, creio ser uma forma de crescimento! Tive aqui uma dessas oportunidades. Obrigado pelo simpático acolhimento.

April 2016

Pela tranquilidade e saber acolher, votos de muitos sucessos. Até sempre.

April 2016

What a special place to spend a week with good friends who enjoy Port and wine! The house was so comfortable with a fantastic view! Enough room for all of us to spread out, with great spaces to spend time as a group. Estrela greeted us each morning with a healthy breakfast, and cooked some delicious local meals for some of our dinners. She was also a wealth of information and always wiling to help in what ever way she could. Definitely take the private tour on the Douro, and the Croft port tour with Ana. Highlights of our week!

Greg, John, Donna & Lew
March 2016

Passei 2 dias maravilhosos com os meus filhos e netos nesta casa de muito conforto e bem decorada, e muito bem assistida pela Estrela a quem agradeço. A área envolvente é também muito boa. Parabéns. Vamos voltar.

Maria Alice
March 2016

Existem lugares e lugares, mas o Lugar das Letras mostra o verdadeiro acolhimento que o Douro tem para nos oferecer. Gostamos e queremos repetir. O lugar, o conforto, a paisagem, a casa, a Estrela… Tudo de bom. Parabéns.

Families: Ramos de Castro; Castanheira; Santos
February 2016

Amazing! We had a wonderful time in this beautiful country. Great food + wine + the house + Estrela were divine! Happy New Year!

From Houston
January 2016

Thank you for a wonderful, peaceful week! Prospero Ano Novo! The house, facilities and service was welcoming and was a great venue for our group’s annual NYE celebration. We loved the Douro, the people, the food + wine! Can’t wait to be back soon!

Melissa+ Brian Taylor
January 2016

What an amazing house and location! Mona and I came here to celebrate the new year, good food and great wine with friends. We had the most amazing time! We look forward to coming back again in the future!

Pete + Mona
January 2016

Que bom recordar os anos 1956-60 com esta maravilhosa casa, com tão bom gosto e recordações. Feliz Natal e Bom Ano Novo.

December 2015

Parabéns e muito obrigado por um fim de semana diferente e um local único neste maravilhoso Douro. Uma casa muito bonita e bem pensada para estadias fantásticas. Aconselho os meus amigos a viver aqui uns dias diferentes.

P.S. A Estrela é uma cozinheira única!

Sérgio, Domingos, Gilberto
November 2015

Como não podia faltar, a pessoa que idealizou este lindíssimo e funcional projeto de turismo rural, realizado com muito carinho, amor e profissionalismo. Foi um belo e descansado fim de semana, na companhia da minha família e também na companhia da Estrela. Aconselho esta viagem até ao Lugar das Letras!

Arquiteta Virginie
November 2015

Muito obrigada pelo atendimento e acolhimento que nos proporcionaram. Fizeram com que este fim de semana de aniversário fosse ainda mais especial… Espero cá voltar! “Bom filho à casa torna!”.

November 2015

Thank you to everyone involved in this amazing home, especially Estrela for looking after us so well. I hope we can come back again one day.

Jo, Brian & Amelia
September 2015

Lugar das Letras has everything you possibly need for a relaxing stay, backed by the hospitable Estrela.

August 2015

Thank you to the owners, Estrela and of course Francisco and Maria Manuel. Our back to school experience was excellent in every way. No wonder our clients love coming here.. More to follow we hope!

August 2015

Os adjetivos esgotam-se ao descrever esta maravilhosa preciosidade. Entre as vinhas e a paz do Douro, esta “escola” faz-nos recuar no tempo e saborear cada segundo da vida. Aqui tudo é belo, tudo é mágico! Tudo é tudo! Parabéns pelo projeto magnífico que aqui criaram… Sem dúvida alguma um paraíso, um sonho, um tesouro que iremos partilhar e divulgar a todos os amigos. Voltaremos nas próximas “férias grandes” à já “nossa” linda escola!

August 2015

Thank you for sharing this wonderful villa – truly a home from home for our family this week. The layout and specification of the villa is spot-on and the decoration and interiors are inspired. The Douro region is beautiful and the mountain weather only added to our holiday, with a few clouds and even light rain breaking up the heat of summer! Our family has had a really special week here. Thank you again. Thinly downside is what we will do next week without the gorgeous breakfasts and cheery start to the day provided by Estrela and team!

The Carr family
August 2015

Oh what a wonderful two weeks!! Quiet, peaceful and beautiful surroundings – fantastically high spec villa with all the mod cons!! Fabulous Estrela and Gi with their wonderful treats and wonderful food. It has all seemed like a wonderful dream – just wish we didn’t have to wake up. Obrigado Lugar das Letras for a wonderful holiday – it was the best!

The Tilleys
August 2015

Maravillosa casa en las montañas con una vista panorámica del Valle del Douro. Una semana inolvidable con amigos muy queridos en esta espléndida propiedad. Gracias Alain y Laurence por tan generosa invitación.

July 2015

Une semaine hors du temps, de la foule, du bruit… Espace et sérénité, comme si l’on possédait un coin du monde juste à soi… Avec en plus les souvenirs de l’enfance les jeux, l’insouciance… toute cette joyeuse nostalgie! Et le silence aussi, les étoiles la nuit… Voilà ce que j’emporterai de ce lieu magique ou Estrela ce met en quatre pour vous rendre les vacances encore plus douces. Nous avons eu le soleil en prime… que de privilège.

July 2015

Our first trip to Portugal and we couldn’t have picked a better place to stay. The house, the surroundings are excellent. Big thanks to Estrela and Gi, you have made our stay more memorable, we feel we have been very spoilt.

Elsa, Alan, Rob, Laura, Annabel, Cesi + Joe
July 2015

Lugar das Letras – Our house in the sky, for a week which seemed too short, had every comfort we could have possibly needed. Mornings were spent exploring the Douro and discovering some of the many local cafés to enjoy a relaxing lunch. Afternoons were spent by the pool amidst the world heritage surrounding hills and vineyards. A special thanks to Estrela who served us a delicious dinner and to Estrela and Gi for spoiling us each morning with breakfast. If one hasn’t visited the Douro it’s a must, and no better place to stay than Lugar das Letras.

Maria, Myra, Naomi, Andrea, Bruno & Arn
July 2015

What a beautiful location with stunning views and a gorgeous villa that has everything you need to chill and relax and admire the scenery. Thank you to Estrela who made the fruitiest of cakes, catering for our every need – a real gem! The Douro is beautiful and the sailing boat trip with Paulo and his gorgeous dog one evening was pure tranquility and highly recommended. As always the weather has been glorious and the Portuguese people so friendly it feels like home from home. Thank you for a fabulous holiday.

The McCallion Family
June 2015

Fantástico e inesquecível. Regresso à escola apenas por dois dias, com família completa.

May 2015


Ficamos muito gratos pela hospitalidade, bem como todo o apoio que o Gilberto nos deu. A casa é fantástica, o local maravilhoso e o Douro soberbo. Parabéns.

May 2015


Fim de semana inesquecível!!! A Natureza no seu esplendor, casa maravilhosa, tudo fantástico!!! A voltar, sem dúvida!

João & Elisa
May 2015

Mais um excelente momento que nos ajudaram a passar neste refúgio do Douro! Este ano Meia Maratona, com muito calor mas sempre ótima. 2:03

May 2015

Nous revenons dans ce lieu pour la 3ème fois. Et encore une fois nous avons passé des jours trop agréables dans cette demeure. On ne se lasse pas du paysage et de la tranquillité du lieu. Peace! Paix!

May 2015


Where to start? Our stay here has been divine, a touch of heaven. The house itself and the surround area are equally full of charm. Everything rhymes in Casa das Letras. Our kids especially enjoyed the old school black board. The original function of the house was a primary school and this was momentarily revived through games of noughts & crosses, hangman and chalk drawing competitions.
We mixed visits to Pinhão (a visit to the station to visit the spectacular tiles is a must), with a trip to a Quinta (wine tasting at Quinta do Pôpa, another good day out) and a boat ride up stream to Tua from Pinhão. This was all great but just as fun was simply hanging out in the house eating Estrela’s orange cake (“bolo de laranja”) and drinking Estrela’s home made Port and looking out at the panoramic views of vines and olive groves.
Thanks to Estrela for everything. She has been a great host and we take the wonderful memories with us.
Obrigadíssimo, Estrela.

Garcia family
March 2015

Luisa Pinto 16Fev2015

Fantastique weekend!
La vue magnifique, les delicieux gateaux et une maison chaleureuse!
Mais je suis suspecte… 😉

February 2015


Adoramos tudo o que este lugar nos dá: a casa, a paisagem, as pessoas – tudo aqui é muito agradável e acolhedor.
Agradecemos a hospitalidade que nos proporcionaram.
Contaremos cá voltar em breve.
Recomendaremos a todos o “Lugar das Letras” com tudo o que ele tem.

Rodrigues family
February 2015

Agradeço a hospitalidade que esta casa nos deu com toda a visão que nos permite ver o que é o Douro Vinhateiro, são paisagens deslumbrantes. As condições desta habitação são excelentes para passar aqui bons momentos. Obrigado.

Pacheco family
February 2015


des paysages
de l’accueil
de l’espace
de la gentillesse
de la disponibilité
d’une école reprenant vie
d’une belle vie partagée

Françoise & Lutz
February 2015


Teacher Zulmira
October 2014

“A casa é muito bonita.
 Vinha com muita curiosidade que ficou confortada.
 A Dª Estrela e a Gi simpaticíssimas. O Douro, bom…
 O Douro é uma beleza.
 Volto para baixo com a vontade de pegar de novo em Torga e reler…
 Voltaremos por certo.”

October 2014

“De regresso à Escola, os Lelés Pompom fizeram novas memórias com o abcdário do Lugar das Letras! Sempre com a alegria, o apetite pelas recordações e a boa dose de estupidez natural que sempre os caracterizou. Agradecidos pela inspiração das letras em giz em mais uma das nossas páginas.”

Lelés Pompom
October 2014

“A Casa das Letras tinha um bilhar fantástico e uma paisagem deslumbrante.”

October 2014

“Uma ideia fantástica para um lugar igualmente magnífico.”

October 2014

“Belos e intensos momentos familiares num lugar absolutamente acolhedor e deslumbrante.”

October 2014

“Paisagem maravilhosa
ideia genial
decoração acolhedora
espero cá voltar.”

October 2014

“Gostei de tudo, foi maravilhoso.”

October 2014

“Uma casa acolhedora, onde nos sentimos todos muito bem. Proporcionou à nossa família momentos incríveis.
P.S.: Decoração mesmo original.”

October 2014

“Um óptimo fim de semana. Bom acolhimento, instalações muito agradáveis e tão límpidas e tranquilas quanto a paisagem. Muito bom.”

October 2014

“Tivemos um fim-de-semana fantástico. Adoramos o acolhimento, a decoração da casa, as condições proporcionadas e a paisagem em si.
 Gostamos tanto que queremos dizer um até já!! 
Não esqueceremos de recomendar o Lugar das Letras.”

September 2014

“We were so happy to be here for the village festival and enjoyed the music a lot. Manaike and Katherine learned a Portuguese dance. Estrela’s cooking was so delicious, especially the desserts! The boat rides along the Douro River were so beautiful!
 We had a wonderfully restful holiday and look forward to visiting again!
 Lots of good wishes and thanks.”

August 2014

“We spent a fantastic 2 weeks in this beautiful house. The Douro Valley is a peaceful and special place and we love it!
 We would recommend the train ride from Regua and the boat trip on the river from Pinhao.
 Quinta do Popa was a wonderful experience and if you want a special meal DOC on the river is exceptional.
 Driving over to Quinta de Nova was also an experience! 
Estrela is a saint we would like to take her home with us, her cooking is excellent and she is so helpful. We will be back!”

Jones Family
July 2014

“J’ai adoré la maison!”

May 2014

“Secret spot… ao qual queremos voltar!”

May 2014

“Encore une fois, un seul mot me vient “FANTASTIQUE”. En effet, nous avons passé un week-end de rêve dans un lieu magique!!!”

May 2014

“Prova dos 9 tirada, aprovado!”

May 2014